Chicken Salad

Really yummy, quick and easy during summer time. Ingredients: Half cup shredded boil Chicken1 large boil egg chopped1 large onion chopped1 large tomato chopped1 large cucumber chopped1/2 green bell pepper chopped1/4 cup olives chopped Directions: In a bowl toss all the ingredients. Add black pepper and pinch of salt. (I normally don’t add salt) YouContinue reading “Chicken Salad”

Simple Salad

Healthy food, healthy living style Ingredients: 1 Cucumber 1 large tomato1 capsicum1 carrot ( half boiled)1 potato (boiled)Bunch of salad leaves chopped1/2 cup of finely chopped cabbage Directions: Chopped everything according to your liking. I diced cucumber, tomato, carrot, capsicum and potato. Pour salad dressing and mix well. Keep it in the fridge and serveContinue reading “Simple Salad”

Red Bean and Seekh Kebab Salad

Today we are going to make quick salad. A side dish that can be a full protein meal and can also go with Lentils/rice or any BBQ item. We will be making today Red bean Seekh Kebab salad. I normally boil the beans, chickpeas, Lentils in packs so that I can easily make aContinue reading “Red Bean and Seekh Kebab Salad”

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